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      Khun Suphon is an executive at Ambient Media, which has the Handgrip concession of the entire MRT fleet. According to Khun Suphon “The way to communicate with consumers has changed so much, they’re so dynamic and always on the move. In order to cash this new breed of consumers’ attention you have to have the OHM that also moves with them” In this article the Handgrip man introduces a new way of looking at the OHM that. Would be more relevant to marketers/advertisers - the target audience that each of them serves. Khun Suphon would like to hear from you write to him at Suphon@ambientmedia.co.th
It doesn’t really take a Phd to know that the media scene has drastically changed. And I’m not saying that this changing trend has emerged only recently. Too bad, most of us do not take notice. Of course, if you work for a rich international company and your product/brand needs the media that can spread the message over the entire population then you should consider yourself lucky. There is no need to read this further because you don’t need it if you can afford to stick to expensive TV time, popular radio stations, newspapers and perhaps magazines.
Those traditional media are the answers. And they have always been. Besides, your bosses wouldn’t ask too much questions on your media plan. Why should they? Those traditional media have been around since they were at your age. How could they challenge you on the choice that they would have made it themselves?
Now let’s suppose, you work with a local company, with a limited advertising budget and you know exactly who your customers are and what you want to tell them…then your best choice is to go with the Out of Home Media (OHM).
Now you may want to ask, how can you intelligently choose which one of OHM that fits your target group?

E Z, just don’t look at the “types” of the media, look instead at the target audience that each of them serves. To me, OHM can be seen in terms of four major target audiences:

Mass: Big billboards on the highways / expressways and street furniture are those that come to my mind. The big contractors are Marco, Hello Bangkok and JC Decaux. These media are the early generation of the OHM are still in demand, especially the ones that are located in good locations, i.e., in the heart of the city and where traffic is heavy. Choosing OHM mass is good but don’t forget to pick the one that is located on your boss’s daily travel route. He’ll love to see the ad. And he feels food about the product; he feels good about the company and about himself (let’s hope he will feel good about you who picked up that particular billboard as well). Of course, it goes without saying, those who travel the same highway, i.e., bus passengers, school kids and those who aren’t in your target market also see the ad. They have no value to your business but you also pay for their seeing.
Family: the OHM targeted at family are the ones located in shopping complexes and cinema houses. If you deal with food items, home accessories, home appliances then this is a good media. Notice, nowadays we see Home Pro, Home Work outlets in shopping centers. Wonder why? Because these arcades are for the family gathering. So anything for the family is worth showing here.
The only drawback of OHM family media is that in most cases your products and your competitive products are available in the same shopping complexes. Hence, there is no major advantage to advertise on premises. Unless, of course, you have a dear advantage over your competitor and you want the customers to know of it before he or she makes a purchase decision.

Small is Smart!
As a matter of fact, there are plenty of disadvantages as well as weakness in every small business organizations. One of these is that small business cannot afford to hire those high-caliber staffs. Some small business may be lucky to recruit these high-caliber staffs but the problem is how to keep them with the company. The high-caliber staffs mostly cannot work well with other low-caliber staffs if those low-caliber staffs are majority of the company.

Small company therefore need to be “SMART” in order to survive in the business world. Here are some points of view on how a small business can be “SMART” and finally become a successful company:
1. Speedy communications & actions: In most large organizations, internal communications take time but less efficient due to numerous departments and lines of command. Decision makings also take longer time due to the same reasons.

In small organizations, communications and decision makings are generally more efficient and faster. A simple example is you don’t need written communications or written decisions in a small business. Only a few verbal conversation or command from any decision makers which take only seconds to make everything done.
2. High-standard staffs: An advantage of large organization is “credibility perception” which derived from being “LARGE organization”. However, small organization can also create this same “perception” by creating and maintaining high standard of work. This will happen only when all staff members in small organization work smartly with sense of high responsibility.
3. Being different: If you are small company, you need to be different. You need to have something different in order to stands out from other large firms so people will hear or see you. If a small company is selling same product and same price as larger company, consumers mostly will choose to buy it from larger company. But if small company is selling something different, even a small difference, consumers may choose to buy this product even they have to pay more.
4. Allied with Giants: There is not a rule that if you are small you can’t be allied with giant. Being business alliance with Giants will make you looked bigger and as a result more credible in customers’ point of view. “Relationship” is the key word for this. You need to keep good and long relationship with your Giant partners.

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